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船用绞盘 Marine Capstan

文章来源:未知 添加时间:2016-11-21 13:06







      Marine capstans can be divided into four categories according to the drive mode: hand ,electric, pneumatic  and hydraulic .

      The most usual ones is electric.

      Hydraulic capstans can be categorized by pressure: middle-lower pressure(for  bulkers with the pressure of 50-70kg),middle 

      pressure(for over 70kg of pressure) and high pressure( for over       150kg of pressure). The advantage for the hydraulic capstans 

     are more powerful and steady.

     Marine capstans can also fall into  three categories by installation: horizontal ,vertical and inverted.

     The capstans are warping drums which can be vertically installed. They are power-driven machines which can wind but can’t store 

      ropes  . They also refer to winches with the rotating axis perpendicular to the deck, and are self-protective and traction equipments 

      for the ship.

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